Cranial Osteopathy for TMJ
We have written this article to give you further information about TMJ and jaw pain. It can be debilitating and not only affect your jaw but refer to other areas. Identifying the cause of your issue is paramount for a successful treatment outcome.
What is the TMJ?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. You have two joints located on either side of your head. Both joints work together, along with ligaments, muscles, nerves and discs which allow you to speak and chew food. It is a hinge joint which allows for the opening and closing action of the mouth. Between this hinge joint is an articular disc which allows for a smooth jaw movement.
What is TMD?
TMD is a collective term that includes disorders of the TMJ, of the masticatory muscles and their associated structures in the absence of a visceral pathology (for example ear disorder, pharyngeal tumour or dental abscess). It is characterised by pain, joint sounds and restricted mandibular movements. Moreover, pain can refer to your mouth, face, head or neck. This is known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD).
What are the symptoms of TMD?
The most common TMD symptoms are jaw pain, clicking and popping sounds when moving your jaw. Locking out of your jaw, pain or difficulty chewing and yawning. You can also experience headaches, migraines, inability to open your mouth fully, difficulties swallowing and ear pain. Furthermore you can experience referred pain in your head, neck and shoulders.
What causes TMD?
There are multiple possible causes for your TMD so it is really important to diagnose correctly to give you the best chance of a long-term relief of your symptoms. We have divided our causes into three categories.
1 – Derangement of the condyle-disc complex
Derangement of the condyle disc can occur due to the breakdown of the rotational function of the disc relative to the condyle. For example disc displacements can occur due to the change of function of the lateral pterygoid muscle after a trauma. This can lead to clicking when opening or closing your mouth. Disc displacements can also lead to disc dislocations.
2 – Structural incompatibility with articular surfaces
Changes in the smooth sliding surfaces can cause alterations resulting in friction and affecting joint function. Structural incompatibility classifies as a deviation in form, adhesions, subluxation, and spontaneous dislocation (Mani & Dua 2021). History of dental work or orthodontics, nutrition deficiencies such as vitamin D or magnesium deficiency or low consumption of calcium. Past history of head trauma like suffering from a broken nose as a child could be contributing factors.
3 – Inflammatory disorders of the TMJ
Inflammatory conditions within the joint could be caused by direct trauma such as jaw or head injuries whether it is a fall or sports injury or a traffic accident with whiplash.
Excessive psychological stress or anxiety has been linked with teeth grinding (bruxism) or clenching.
Synovitis – Inflammation of the synovium or the joint capsule.
Retrodiscitis – Swelling of retro discal tissues, and acute malocclusion are associated with the disease.
Osteoarthritis – inflammation due to increased overload of the joint. Over time the forces will soften the articular surfaces and affect the subchondral bone.
Systemic arthritis – traumatic arthritis, infectious arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can have an effect.
Can an Osteopath Help With TMJ?
Yes, our Cranial Osteopath is trained in diagnosing and treating your TMD to help reduce your symptoms. Osteopathy for TMJ aims to restore function and reduce pains. Osteopaths are well known to treat the whole person and posture. In our experience treating not only your jaw but also your neck, head, shoulders and overall posture will achieve the best results.
TMJ Treatment London
TMJ Osteopathy will involve cranial osteopathy and/or muscular stretching, joint articulations, and joint manipulations (if appropriate). You will also be advised on stretching and strengthening rehab exercises. You may also be offered nutrition and/or lifestyle top-tips to help optimise your recovery.
How does TMD Affect The Entire Body?
As mentioned previously, TMD pain can refer to your mouth, face, neck, shoulders and upper back. This will have a dramatic effect on the rest of your posture and fascia through altered muscular and joint function. For example if you have TMD this can affect the surrounding areas like your neck and potentially the whole of your posture. This is why treating your whole posture and encouraging Pilates rehab exercises can achieve great results.
How Wellthy Clinic can help with TMJ?
As a condition with many contributing factors, we find the best results are achieved from an integrative approach combining hands-on Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Paediatric Osteopathy, Nutrition and Pilates. We would create a course of treatment and regularly review and reevaluate it when needed. If symptoms are still being experienced (albeit reduced) it might be worth considering speaking to a talking therapist or seeing a dentist as well (if you haven’t tried already). Having a well-rounded approach provides you with the best management plan.
Can an Osteopath help with Jaw Pain?
Yes, but it depends on the cause. If stress and anxiety are the contributing factors then in our experience Cranial Osteopathy can help reduce your symptoms. It can be deeply relaxing which is a great circuit breaker to turn down your fight or flight response to help reduce tensions. If there are joint or postural restrictions which are contributing to your TMD then hands-on treatment can be of great use. In a recent study, Cranial Osteopathy and Osteopathy were found to be effective treatments in patients with TMD (Gesslbauer et al 2018).
What do TMJ headaches feel like?
Typically they feel dull and aching maybe throbbing. Most commonly you experience headaches on one side, but it can also be both. The headache can be aggravated by jaw movement and relieved with relaxation.
What causes TMJ to flare up?
Stressful lifestyle episodes can cause teeth grinding and contribute to TMJ flare-ups.
What is the Best Way to Get Rid of TMJ?
At Wellthy Clinic we believe a combined approach of hands-on Osteopathy to help reduce the severity or frequency of your symptoms. TMD is a common presentation for adults and children and we believe we can help you. We also treat babies with breastfeeding and cranial osteopathy issues and much more. Still not 100% sure about cranial treatment? How does cranial osteopathy work?
From experience we think that cranial osteopathy is a suitable treatment for TMJ, as our client testimonials show.
Gesslbauer et al (2018) Effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment versus osteopathy in the cranial field in temporomandibular disorders – a pilot study Disability Rehabilitation
Mani & Dua (2021) Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome Stat Pearls.
Matthew Glithero
A Cranial Osteopath (MSCCO) who is passionate about treating people with TMD. He graduated (MOst) from the University College of Osteopathy.