Osteopathy for Headaches

There are many different forms of headaches (around 150 types!) among the most common headaches experienced are tension type headaches, dehydration headaches and migraines.

Tension Type Headaches 

Tension-type headaches are described as mild to moderate and felt on both sides of your head. The headache is usually dull or squeezing in nature and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days. There are two categories: Episodic headaches which occur less than 15 times per month. Also chronic which occurs more than 15 times a month for more than 3 months in a row. Typically you will experience pains on both sides of the head which feels like pressure behind the eyes and tension in the neck and shoulders. Moreover, you will not experience nausea, vomiting, or visual changes and your headache is not usually affected by normal daily routines.

How is a Tension Type Headache Diagnosed?

Tension-type headaches are diagnosed through the patient’s symptoms. Physical examination of the neck and scalp muscles where there may be tenderness which may increase headache symptoms.

Causes of Tension Type Headaches 

There are many different causes of tension-type headaches which cause additional strain onto the head and neck muscles. Stress and anxiety can contribute by elevating your shoulders over long periods, affecting your cranial osteopath for back pain and neck posture. In addition, teeth and what could be causing your jaw pain will contribute towards Cranial Osteopathy for TMJ and tension type headaches.

Headache Diagnosis At Wellthy

A full case history will be taken, we will then look at your posture, examine your movements and assess how well your joints and muscles move passively. After gathering all this information we will then explain to you what is happening in language that is understandable.

Treatment for Headaches

Hands on treatment aimed to reduce tension in your head and neck. The osteopath will address the whole posture to get other areas moving more freely (typically upper back) to reduce pressure onto your head and neck. Moreover Osteopaths use a combination of muscular stretching, joint articulations, and joint manipulations (only when appropriate) techniques to increase the functionality of movement and reduce pain.

We also offer Cranial Osteopathy which is fantastic for headaches given the gentle nature of treatment. Alongside this, relaxation techniques, muscular stretching and strengthening exercises, and heat therapy will be explained and you will be encouraged to also try them at home. In addition to lifestyle and basic nutrition and hydration advice to help reduce the frequency and severity of your tension-type headaches.

Osteopath for headaches

GP Medication

GPs will prescribe aspirin, paracetamol or NSAIDs for the acute treatment of tension-type headaches. Your GP will take into account the person’s preference, comorbidities and risk of adverse events (NICE 2012).

Relaxation techniques

Stress and anxiety can contribute towards tension-type headaches. Taking time out of your busy day to concentrate on deep breathing or meditation are effective ways to reduce tension.

Dehydration Headaches 

A dehydration headache is caused by not having enough fluid in your body. You require a balance of fluid and electrolytes to function properly. Your body loses water every day through daily activities, exercise through sweat and urination. Therefore balancing your fluid intake through drinking or eating fluid rich foods to maintain the right hydration is vital. If your body becomes dehydrated this can lead to complications and dehydration headaches. You are more likely to become dehydrated if you have exercised to the point of extreme sweating, experienced diarrhoea, fever or vomiting and urinated excessively. Dehydration headaches will cause the brain to temporarily contract and pull away from the skull which causes pain.

What Does a Dehydration Headache Feel Like? 

Dehydration headaches can feel dull and mild in nature or intense and severe. The headache can occur at the front, back, sides or all over the head. Unlike a tension-type headache you are unlikely to feel the tension at the back of the neck. You may also feel thirsty, have a dry mouth and urinate less often. Moreover have a dark coloured urine, feel confused, dizzy and fatigued. In addition, you may have dry skin, a low blood pressure and increased heart rate. If the dehydration headache is severe you may also experience a lack of sweating, fever or even become unconscious.


To help improve dehydration headaches and rehydrate it is suggested that you increase water or a rehydration mix intake, reduce activity and rest. For more severe dehydration headaches after diarrhoea and vomiting, this may not be enough. In this case, seek medical care to avoid kidney damage, seizures or shock. Emergency medical professionals can manage severe dehydration with intravenous fluid and salt replacement.

Osteopathy for Migraines


A migraine is described as a severe, recurring, one-sided painful headache. It is normally pulsating in nature and can last anywhere from 4-72 hours. There are several different types of migraine with or without aura, menstrual, chronic, hemiplegic, abdominal, vestibular and visual.

Migraines signs 

In addition to a headache you may also experience nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or sound. Your symptoms may worsen with daily tasks such as walking.

Migraines Causes

Migraine causes still remain unknown and it is suggested that migraines occur as a result of abnormal brain activity. This affects the brain’s chemicals, blood vessels and communication between the nerves. There are multiple triggers associated with the start of migraines including hormonal changes, stress and negative mental state, postural tensions, tiredness, food, alcohol and dehydration.

How are Migraines Diagnosed?

If you are suffering from migraines it is suggested to seek advice from your GP. They will perform a range of tests to exclude any other cause of headaches and may include blood tests, blood pressure, eye exam and scans.

Treatment Options 

Currently, there is not one single cure for migraines. Therefore, the main aim of treatment is to reduce the frequency of migraines and control the symptoms. There are many different types of treatment for migraine, these include:

Nutrition for headaches

Reducing stress and anxiety through good nutrition, reducing food triggers, staying hydrated and avoiding certain foods. You should also try to improve your sleep hygiene including increasing your hours of sleep per night, participating in regular physical activity and reducing screen time. Speak to our musculoskeletal health specialist to find out how best to optimise your healing times.


Seek advice from your GP and if you choose to take medication there are a number of different options ranging from parcetamol, triptans and anti nausea medications.

What Do Osteopaths Do

Osteopaths use a combination of muscular stretching, joint articulations and joint manipulation (only when appropriate) techniques to increase the functionality of movement and reduce your pains. You will be advised on how to self manage your tensions through self relaxation techniques and using heat packs onto your upper back. Muscular stretching and strengthening exercises will also be given for you to perform at home. Furthermore lifestyle and basic nutrition and hydration advice to reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines.

What if a headache lasts for 3 days?  

If your headache lasts for more than 3 days, keeps on coming back, painkillers do not helping, it feels like it is getting worse or you have a bad throbbing pain at the front or side of your head this could be a migraine or a cluster headache. If you feel sick, vomit and find light or noise painful then phone 111 or contact your GP.

Likewise if your arms or legs feel numb or weak or your jaw hurts when eating, you have blurred or double vision and you are experiencing a sore scalp. These could be signs that the arteries in your head and neck are inflamed. So contact 111 to describe your symptoms and they will tell you what to do.

Want to try Osteopathic treatment to help you with your headaches? Book a consultation with one of our experienced Osteopaths here at Wellthy Clinic.


Linde K, Allais G, Brinkhaus B, Fei Y, Mehring M, Shin BC, Vickers A, White AR. Acupuncture for the prevention of tension-type headache. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 4. Available at: https://papas.cochrane.org/our-reviews/reviews-topic/headache-and-migraine

NICE National Institute of Health and Care Excellance Headaches in over 12s: diagnosis and management Clinical guideline [CG150] Available at:  https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg150/chapter/Recommendations#diagnosis

NHS Headaches (2020) available at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/headaches/

Matthew Glithero

Matthew Glithero

Matthew Glithero is an Osteopath (MOsT), Cranial Osteopath, Pilates instructor with a background in Sports Science (BSc). 

Matthew Glithero

Matthew is a Cranial Osteopath, Osteopath and Pilates Instructor.


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