Best Weight Loss Nutritionist in London


Seeking the best weight loss nutritionist in London? In this article we will discuss weight loss and how nutrition therapy can help you reach your goals.

Weight Loss Facts 

The majority of adults in the UK are overweight or obese; 67% of men and 60% of women (NHS 2020). 11,117 hospital admissions in 2018-19 were directly attributable to obesity which was an increase of 4% on 2017-18, when there were 10,660 admissions (NHS 2020). Obesity is directly linked to a number of different illnesses including how can a nutritionist help with diabetes, Can a Nutritionist Help with IBS?, hypertension, gallstones and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, as well as depression, stress and anxiety. Therefore it is evident that obesity levels with all the detrimental side effects are increasing and current government protocols are not able to cope with this epidemic.

Causes of Overeating 

The causes of overeating can be linked to several factors. Firstly eating without due attention as many of us eat on the go or whilst distracted by our phones. If we concentrate on our food experience (taste, smell, texture) we are more likely to feel satisfied and less likely to overeat. Whilst emotional eating is normal when we are sad, stressed or even happy, it can become a problem when it develops into a coping strategy to reach for ‘comfort food’. Processed foods are digested quickly giving us a blood sugar spike followed by a dip which makes us feel hungry and more prone to overeat. Skipping meal times and dieting can also disrupt your blood sugar levels which may result in overeating.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Obesity is the medical term for an accumulation of body fat which may have a negative effect on health. It is classified by body mass index (BMI). You can calculate your BMI using a measure of your weight (kg) divided by your height (m2). Classifications of BMI (kg/m2) are underweight <18.5, Normal weight 18.5-24.9, Overweight 25-29.9, class 1 obesity 30-34.9, class 2 35-39.9 and class 4 obesity >40. You can also use the NHS online calculator which uses your height, weight, age and gender. In 2003/2004, the mean body mass index (BMI) of men and women in the UK general population was 27kg/m2 , outside the healthy range of 18.5-25kg/m2. However your BMI does not account for body fat distribution. Waist circumference measurement is considered to have better validity and has a closer association with morbidity and mortality.

Causes of Obesity  

Public Health England suggests obesity is complex with multiple causes of individual and environmental factors of psychology, physical activity and food consumption. Societal influences of media, education, peer pressure or culture affects our choices. Furthermore the individual’s biological influences such as ill health and genetics. Overall partition sizes are larger and the macronutrient balance of foods has changed with refined carbohydrates/processed foods now making up 20% of the grocery budget compared to 11% in 1982 and meats declining from 31.3% to 21.5% (Public Health England). Trends in household purchases of food and drink saw the greatest increase in cheese (13%), sugar and preserves (9%), alcoholic drinks (5%) and bread (5%) between 2014 and 2018. In 2018, only 28% of adults were eating the UK recommended diet and nutrition target of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day (NHS 2020).

What is the Healthiest Way to Lose Weight?

One of the healthiest and most successful ways to lose weight is to develop your own nutritional plan that addresses your diet, caters for your lifestyle and questions and prepares for your behavioural triggers for eating. A plan that will help you find better health where you enjoy meal times, feel happier and healthier and not a calorie control plan that is not sustainable in the long term. This will involve an exercise regime with specific, measurable, achievable, realistic goals. Osteopathic treatment can also help you overcome any barriers to exercise by reducing your musculoskeletal aches and pains to support you on your journey to lose weight.

Can a Nutritionist Help Me Lose Weight? 

Weight loss is challenging and everybody has different barriers to overcome in order to reach their goals. Barriers could include poor nutrition, lack of movement, sleep, stress, psychology, lifestyle and environment. Generic weight loss programs and fad diets tend to only give short term benefit. That is why long term individualised plans which overcome your barriers produce better results. A sustainable plan will involve making choices, finding alternatives, changing and creating new habits. Our Nutritionist will support you throughout the journey, maybe suggest functional tests for underlying women’s health, gut health or musculoskeletal health and give plenty of encouragement. Our aim is to show you that losing weight can be delicious, filling and leave you full of energy too!

Can Physical Exercise Help? 

Exercise along with a dietary interaction was found to be beneficial for weight loss (Shaw et al 2006). Pilates involves muscle strengthening exercises which can contribute towards weight loss. For best results combine with a healthy diet and aerobic activity (walking, cycling or swimming). To increase efficiency try reformer Pilates, where there is added resistance to increase difficulty and help with weight loss. It can help improve your mood as physical activity causes endorphins to be released and causes a positive feeling in the body. Moreover you will leave sessions feeling less anxious and more energised.

Who is the Best Weight Loss Nutritionist in London?    

At Wellthy Clinic, we believe that Nutritionists should be sympathetic, good communicators who are knowledgeable in their field and help you to gain the best results. A good Nutritionist should understand you and your problem and can talk on your level. They should be able to explain your plan so you trust and believe in following the plan to gain the best results. The best weight loss nutritionist is the one who is right for you. We are all different and Nutrition is a unique as it is treating you. At Wellthy Clinic we conduct 15 min FREE nutritionist consultations so we can speak or meet in person to discuss your situation.

Weight Loss Clinic in London 

Need help with weight loss? At Wellthy Clinic we offer Nutritionist, Osteopathy and Pilates sessions as an integrative approach to help you achieve your weight loss goals. We offer a 15 minute FREE Nutritionist Q&A session to discuss your symptoms and answer any questions you may have.

Contact us to arrange an online session or at our weight loss clinic in London, or book directly here.


Butland et al (2007) Tackling Obesities: Future Choices – Project Report

National Institute for Health and Care Excellance (NICE) Obesity: Identification, Assessment and Management Guideline CG189

NHS (2020) Publication, Part of Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England

Shaw et al (2006) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: Exercise for overweight or obesity


Eleonora Sansoni

Eleonora Sansoni is a Nutritional Therapist who graduated from the College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Eleonora has a specific interest in nutrition for chronic pain and gut health which stems from her own experience with chronic joint pain and acne, the cause of which had been missed by many practitioners. She was able to improve these symptoms by getting to the cause of my issues which was my gut health and digestive issues. Eleonora found that the combined approach of Osteopathy, Nutrition and Pilates is the most effective when helping with chronic pain.

Eleonora Sansoni

Eleonora is a Cranial Osteopath, Osteopath, Nutritional therapist and Pilates Instructor.

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